Tuesday 14 September 2010

5 Secrets to managing your time effectively to help you create a successful business.

For more on time management please see also see the AAT article about my workshop

There are still only 24 hours in 1 day so how you manage them could be the key to creating a successful business. Prior to coaching I worked in local government. I only worked 3 days a week and during this time I had to develop policies, organise central training programmes for 200-250 staff and oversee the production of performance management information for the entire housing department – around 6 sets of about 20 performance indicator figures each month. All this with only one member of staff directly reporting to me! This meant that I was juggling between 15 and 20 separate projects at any one time…but it also meant I got a fantastic foundation for my time management skills which I honed even further when I became a coach.

When I started my coaching business in 2007, not only was I a single parent, I also ran the business from home. Life, at times, could be chaotic. So I quickly discovered and developed the following time management tools. I now use them all the time with fantastic results and coach small businesses to do the same.

These are my Top Five Time Management secrets:

Wednesday 9 June 2010

A Confidence Workout - a review

Here is an article published by one of the attendees at Coaching for Results' 'A Confidence Workout' workshop last year

Confidence Boost

"I recently went on a Confidence Workshop run by Coral Jones of Coaching for Results.

Coaching has become a big thing over the last few years and I was keen find out more. Coaching can be provided for your business or personal life and promises to offer huge benefits.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Coaching for Results learns about blogging

Blogging is good for businesses because it can be used to generate traffic from social networking to your website and then to get customers.
Or so many people have told us. In the name of helping its business clients, Coaching for Results has decided to test this out by actually doing it! So today's the day when Coaching for Results first blog is posted, including some video to see how it works, and will let you know the Results as they begin to come in.