Tuesday 14 September 2010

5 Secrets to managing your time effectively to help you create a successful business.

For more on time management please see also see the AAT article about my workshop

There are still only 24 hours in 1 day so how you manage them could be the key to creating a successful business. Prior to coaching I worked in local government. I only worked 3 days a week and during this time I had to develop policies, organise central training programmes for 200-250 staff and oversee the production of performance management information for the entire housing department – around 6 sets of about 20 performance indicator figures each month. All this with only one member of staff directly reporting to me! This meant that I was juggling between 15 and 20 separate projects at any one time…but it also meant I got a fantastic foundation for my time management skills which I honed even further when I became a coach.

When I started my coaching business in 2007, not only was I a single parent, I also ran the business from home. Life, at times, could be chaotic. So I quickly discovered and developed the following time management tools. I now use them all the time with fantastic results and coach small businesses to do the same.

These are my Top Five Time Management secrets: